Mary Kolada Scott

Painter & Writer

Mary Kolada Scott

"Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen." - Leonardo da Vinci

As an artist and a writer, I'm attracted to images and language, and I found my voice first with poetry. Later, I turned to art and extended my repertoire to abstract paintings, which express a poetic language for emotions. I also create mixed media pieces and collages that blend images and words. Often words, phrases and lines from my poems appear in my work.

I've never been afraid of color. I love the texture of painted surfaces and impressions of brushstrokes and tools. Painting is a tactile experience as well as an emotional release. The brush or tool becomes an extension of my arm and hand and carries energy to the painting.

My paintings start with gestural marks that are charged with emotion. As colors and organic forms emerge, I sense what the painting is revealing about my internal dialogue and what I need to convey that feeling.

At this point, l might write down intentions or title ideas that develop the composition. My titles frequently spring from song lyrics or expressions I've heard.

I want to engage viewers of my art and let them respond with their impressions. A painting becomes visual language that I articulate for observers. Many collectors have said my work is serene, poetic and sensual. l hope my art continues to evoke these feelings.

Mary Kolada Scott retired after a 24-year career at the Ventura County Star newspaper and now devotes time to her art, primarily acrylic paintings, mixed media pieces and collages.

Her poems, essays, articles, photos and paintings have been published in numerous periodicals and literary anthologies, and Mary often incorporates her poetry in mixed media pieces.

Over the years, she has taken art workshops with Tom Fong, Hiroko Yoshimoto, Rima Muna, Kay Zetlmaier, Connie Tunick, Robert Burridge and Peggi Kroll Roberts, among others.

She is a member of Santa Barbara Abstract Art Collective and Buenaventura Art Association. Mary also belongs to Collage Lab, a local group of artists.

She has exhibited work in the Faulkner Main Gallery, Santa Barbara; the Santa Paula Art Museum; the Hillcrest Center for the Arts, Thousand Oaks; Fox Fine Jewelry, Ventura; and in many other galleries and shows.



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