Nancy Horwick
Oil Painting
Nancy is a long-time Ojai resident and painter. A former student of established British trompe l’oeil painter Robert Walker, she has studied with other American artists she admires, such as David Leffel, Jennifer McChristian, and Robert Burridge. She’s a member of the Santa Barbara Art Association, Carpinteria Valley Arts Council, and SCAPE (Southern California Artists Painting the Environment.) Her oil paintings may be viewed at OVA Gallery in Ojai, where she is a working artist, and her mixed media work shows at Poppies Gallery, Ojai.
“I am strongly influenced by 19th-century painters, in that I paint the objects, scenes, and people I find beautiful and compelling. There is sometimes too much emphasis today on the shocking or distorted. I am drawn to the classic old masters, as well as the elegance of twentieth-century painterly artists. My aim is to balance the good technical aspects of painting with feeling. I’ve always been a close observer of people, nature, and mood. This serves me well when choosing a subject to paint, and I feel fortunate to be able to express this emotional connection to topics I love.”