Lisa Brown
Twisted Sister Jewelry
Eco-minded, handcrafted jewelry with a passion for metal movement. To be worn, not stored. To complement our humanity…Imperfectly Perfect.
Twisted Sisters is the one woman creative shop of Lisa Brown.
I came to silversmithing by an indirect path. No matter. I am primarily a self-taught “smith”. YouTube is invaluable! However, via social media – of all places – I have met and been taught (in person) by some of my heros in the business – many of them famous in their specialties. I have been creating and learning new techniques since 2005.
I use primarily Argentium Sterling Silver. It is recycled sterling silver. When recycled, more fine silver (99.9%) is added so to increase the purity of the silver to 93.5%. Sterling is 92.5%. And the remaining 6.5% of alloys (which adds stremgth) is adjusted to replace the blackening alloys with non-blackening alloys. Bottom line, Argentium is highly tarnish resistant! Good news. I also use responsibly sourced stones.
My business is also officially “green.” Although jewelry making includes many acids and poisonous chemicals, I have converted most of those chemicals to common household products (no, not bleach) such as salt and vinegar. It takes a little longer, but works just as well without poisoning the air we breathe and water we drink.
Bottom line is I’m driven by the desire to create beautiful things you want to wear daily...not just special occassions. All the while not damaging the incredible gifts the earth provides us.